Friday, October 31, 2014

10/31 Conference Schedule

Hi Parents!

Please don't forget about fall conference day at HES.  Conferences will be held on November 7, and this will be a no-school day for students.  Letters with conference times were sent home a few weeks ago, but in case you've forgotten (or yours never quite made it home), below is schedule for both Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Utter.  If you haven't yet confirmed your time with your child's teacher, please let us know ASAP if you're able to make it.  We're happy to try to reschedule, if necessary.  

8:00--8:15 Dermotta
8:15--8:30 Mullen
8:30--8:45 Levreault
8:45--9:00 Cromwell
9:00--9:15 Kindle
9:30--9:45 Betik
9:45--10:00 Bohanon
10:00--10:15 Malone-Healey
10:15--10:30 Person
11:00--11:15 Wilson
11:15--11:30  Reid
1:00--1:15 Sayles
1:15--1:30 Pendergast
1:45--2:00 Simmons
2:00--2:15 Ayers
2:15--2:30  Albin
2:30--2:45 Witherington
2:45--3:00 Diaz
3:00--3:15 Kruzel
3:15--3:30 Sievert

8:15-8:30 Campion
8:30-8:45 Conte
9:15-9:30 Hancock
9:30-9:45 Levell
9:45-10:00 Sili
10:00-10:15 Moss
10:15-10:30 DeTreux
10:30-10:45 Forrester
10:45-11:00 Mitchell
1:00-1:15 Hartman
1:30-1:45 Thomas
2:00-2:15 Purvis
2:15-2:30 Sheets
2:30-2:45 Latorre
2:45-3:00 Evans
3:00-3:15 Velasquez
3:15-3:30 Philo

Have a wonderful weekend, and we look forward to seeing you all on November 7.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Daily Update 10/27

Happy Monday!!

Tonight's Homework:

Math--3-5 worksheet/Multiples of 6, 7, and 8

Language Arts:  Because this week is so short, there will be no Reading Log or spelling words.  We'll pick up with both next week.

**We are beginning a new project on Figurative Language.  If your child would like, he or she may work on this project all home.  Directions and resources can be found on your child's Google Drive.

**Don't forget, Thursday and Friday are non-school days :-)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Update 10/23/2014


Students have to complete a math worksheet on multiplication multiples of 3 and 4. They should be practicing their multiplication facts regularly. They need to finish up their reading log and study for the spelling test tomorrow. Due to the study trip tomorrow, the reading test will be given on Monday.

I hope students are excited about going on our study trip tomorrow morning. We are proud of those students who will be singing at the study trip, as well. We ask that chaperones who have signed up to assist us be at school around 9:15 since we will depart around 9:30 and be back by 11:30.

Please notify us if your conference time is a problem for you so we can reschedule it.

Thank you and have a great night.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Update 10/21

Hi Parents and families!

Tonight's homework:

Reading Log--Due Friday
Study spelling words (see earlier post for words)
Math HW sheet 3-3

**Please don't forget to sign and return your child's permission slip for Friday's study trip!
**Also, if you haven't yet returned the signed form confirming your child's conference time, please do so ASAP.  

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.  Have a great evening!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Welcome to a new week!

This week in Math:  This week, students are beginning a new topic focusing on basic multiplication.  This will likely be a review for most students, and it is very important that your child master these basic multiplication facts.  If your child struggles with these basic facts, you may want to have him/her spend some time practicing with flash cards,, or  

Tonight's homework:  3-2 homework sheet

This week in Reading:  This week we'll be reading about a famous Native American athlete, Jim Thorpe.  We will be working on the following skills for the next two weeks:

Comprehension skill:  Fact and Opinion
Grammar skill:  Capitalization rules

This week's spelling words:


Challenge Words

Tonight's homework:  Reading Log; practice spelling words
**Today I showed students how to find their spelling lists on  This is a great resources for practicing spelling, and students DO NOT need to have an account.

This week is Science:  Students are finishing their storm presentations.  Be sure and ask your child to log into his/her google account and show you what he/she has been working on!

This week in Social Studies:  We are beginning a study of Native American tribes.  We'll be learning about the Narragansett of the Northeast and the Cherokee of the Southeast.


Have a wonderful evening!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Update 10/16/2014


Students should do their normal reading log tonight for homework along with studying their stem words for the test tomorrow and complex sentences for their grammar quiz. They have math homework that introduces them to topic 3 - multiplication.

Reminder that picture day is tomorrow.

We will also be going to an event aboard Camp Lejeune on October 24 for Diversity and Unity Recognition Day. We are looking for chaperones for this event. The permission slip and details will go home with students tomorrow.

Thanks and have a good night.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Update 10/15/2014


Students should be completing their normal reading log and need to complete the math assignment that was given out yesterday. I gave them two days to complete it that will prepare them for the test tomorrow on topic 2 (adding and subtracting whole numbers). They are to do all the problems on pg. 50-51 from their math book on separate paper.

Thank you,

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Update 10/14/2014


I hope you had an enjoyable three day weekend. Students are presenting their region projects in social studies and will be learning about Native Americans in the different regions across the U.S. In language arts, students are still writing descriptive paragraphs, working on complex sentences for their grammar skill, and main idea/details for their reading skill. In science, they are continuing their storm project on google docs. In math, we are finishing up topic 2 - adding and subtracting whole numbers.

Their homework is the reading log and math review pg.50-51 (all problems) to review for the math test on Thursday. This assignment is due on Thursday. My suggestion is to have students either do it all tonight or have them complete pg. 50 tonight and pg. 51 tomorrow night.

Their spelling words this week are prefixes. They are: ad- which means near. (ex. adhere); trans- which means across. (ex. transcontinental); sub- which means below. (ex. substandard); extra- which means outside. (ex. extracurricular); intra- which means within. (ex. intramural)

Don't forget picture day is this Friday. Have a great week.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Update 10/9/2014


The students have a busy evening ahead of them. They need to study for the science test using the study guide I gave them yesterday giving them two days to study. They also need to study their spelling words for the test. They will do their normal reading response and math homework that deals with subtracting with zeros.
The internet was down yesterday afternoon and this morning. We apologize for any inconvenience this has been to updating grade speed or other information online.
Students will be presenting their regions project next Tuesday. They have access to go online at home and work on it if they need to.
A reminder there is no school next Monday due to Columbus Day.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hello parents and families!

Tonight's Homework

Reading Log-- due Friday
Study spelling words--long "u" pattern
Math homework sheet --subtraction practice

Science test Friday!!  Students received a study guide today. Please make she to prepare for the test.

Have a wonderful evening!!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Update 10/6/2014

Happy Monday Parents,

I hope you had an enjoyable weekend. The following is a quick review of what will be covered this week. In math, students are working on addition and subtraction of whole numbers. This is a review of last year's unit on adding and subtracting with regrouping. I believe they were exposed to a lot of this in second grade, as well. In science, we are reviewing for a test on the water cycle process, clouds, and weather tools. A study guide will go home to prepare students for this test. It is scheduled for Friday. They will also be working on a research project on storms. In social studies, students are finishing their regions project and will present them at the end of the week. In language arts, students are writing descriptive word poems. Their spelling words are the following:
usual, huge, flute, mood, smooth, threw, afternoon, scooter, juice, cruise, truth, bruise, cruel, excuse, pupil, groove, confuse, humor, duty, curfew
Challenge: influence, aluminum, nutrition, accumulate, igloo

Reminder there is no school next Monday for Columbus Day.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Update 10/3/2014


Next week students will be getting new spelling words. They will continue to work on their research project in social studies. They will be learning about storms and natural disasters. They have moved onto unit 2 in math which deals with adding and subtracting whole numbers.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Daily Update 10/2

Good afternoon 4th grade families!

Tonight's homework:


Students have a double sided worksheet to help them preview what they'll be learning in Topic 2.  If your child needs help, feel free to check out the videos on  Each question on the homework sheet notes the specific topic and lesson where you can find help.

Language Arts

Reading Logs are due tomorrow!!  Don't forget to put them back in the take-home folder.

Spelling Stems quiz tomorrow.  If you need a word list, check out Monday's blog post.

Grammar Quiz--compound sentences

**Upcoming Events**

10/13--no school/Columbus Day
10/17--Picture Day

Have a great evening!
Mindy Thompson
Chuck Utter

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Daily Update 10/1

Good afternoon!

Today's Homework

Keep studying those spelling stems!  Test Friday!

Daily Reading Log entry--use complete sentences in your answer.

Math homework due--page 24-25, all problems (students were given 2 nights to do this)

** Math test tomorrow!  Remember, you can check out to help you study for your Topic 1 test.

**Music rehearsal after school tomorrow.  If you turned in a permission slip to Mrs. Arencibia and received a letter with rehearsal details, don't forget that the first rehearsal will be tomorrow.

Have a wonderful evening!  Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.