Specials Schedule

Mr. Utter's Specials Schedule Week A

Day A1 - Art
Day B1 - PE
Day C1 - STEAM
Day D1 - Music
Day E1 - Information Center (Library)

Mr. Utter's Specials Schedule Week B

Day A2 - Art
Day B2 - PE
Day C2 - STEAM
Day D2 - Music
Day E2 - Guidance

Mrs. Thompson's Specials Schedule Week A

Day A1 - STEAM
Day B1 - Art
Day C1 - Music
Day D1 - PE
Day E1 - Guidance

Mrs. Thompson's Specials Schedule Week B

Day A2 - STEAM 
Day B2 - Art 
Day C2 - Music
Day D2 - PE
Day E2 - Information Center (Library)

The following link has the specials schedule for the year. All you have to do is find the date you need and look up the letter on that day. 

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