There isn't any homework with the exception of the free write on their blog this week about what they want to say about their reading.
For the field trip tomorrow, please make sure your child brings their lunch unless they signed up to get one provided to them from the cafeteria. It is supposed to be very nice weather but they still might need a jacket and comfortable shoes for walking. Parent chaperones should be at school by 8:30 with their packed lunch. Students are allowed to bring something to take pictures on like a phone, or other device. However, they can only take pictures with them and not play games, listen to music, etc. If they choose to bring something of that nature, it is their responsibility. Students were also told to not bring money. This is an educational field trip where we are very limited in time.
We have also sent a note home today with your child in regard to next week. We are completing a STEAM project where students will be building a gingerbread house. We are asking parents to bring in the following supplies to complete it: boxes of graham crackers, small candy canes, life savers, twizzlers, skittles, gumdrops, pretzel sticks, chocolate chips, and gummies. You are welcome to come in and assist with this activity next Wednesday at 9:45.
We are also doing a silly gift exchange. We are asking students to wrap a funny but school appropriate gift to exchange with a classmate. This does not need to be purchased new, but can be something you already have at home. The gift needs to be in by next Friday for the exchange.
Next Friday is also Polar Express/PJ Day. Our school is hosting a PJ/Polar Express Day where they will watch the movie and be able to wear PJ's if they want. The Pj's must cover their body in the same manner normal clothes do and they must wear appropriate shoes. No slippers allowed.
Thank you for your support in making next week an educational and entertaining week.