Monday, March 21, 2016

Update 3/21/2016


The students have a double sided math worksheet to complete for homework. The one side is a review of supplementary angles where the top has to equal 180 degrees and the bottom has to equal 180 degrees. The other side has them finding "x." If they get the total, they have to subtract the given angle from the total to get the other angle. If they give two angles, they have to find the total of the angles.

Their reader response is: Explain how the story, or a part from the story you are reading, reminds you of an event that happened to yourself, someone else, or someone from another story. Be specific with your connection with at least 5 sentences.

In language arts, we continue to work with our literature circles where students are reading a book and choosing a job where they complete reading work for the group and share it each week. In writing, they will be learning about similes and metaphors.

In math we are still working with geometry specifically at complementary and supplementary angles, patterns, right angles, etc.

In social studies, students are finishing up their Civil War project where they had to research specific criteria and then display it on a lapbook.

Have a great week.

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