Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Daily Update 4/5

Hi Parents!

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend!  We're kicking off Quarter 4 by beginning a new unit in math.  In this unit, we will be working with multiplying fractions by whole numbers and finding fraction/decimal equivalencies (for example:  6/10 = 0.6).  Students took a pretest today, and new math groups will begin tomorrow.

Tonight's math homework is a short worksheet requiring students to compute dollar amounts and use estimation to get as close as possible to a given amount.

Students did get a new Reader Response Blog prompt today, but because it is a short week and we anticipate a number of absences in the days before and after spring break, the blog will not actually be due until Friday, 4/22.  Students may go ahead and do it if they'd like, but they will also have time to complete it after spring break.  The prompt is:

**Good authors help readers make an emotional connection to their stories.  How does your book make you feel as you read it?  Happy, angry, amused, frustrated, uncomfortable?  Be sure and explain why you feel the way you do.**

In science this week, students are wrapping up their study of electricity by completing a Problem-Based Learning activity.  Be sure and ask your child to tell you about the problem they're trying to solve and the ideas they have for solving it!  We'll be picking up with Social Studies after spring break--we're moving on to Westward Expansion!

Finally, the 4th and 5th grade classes have been invited to attend the 2D Maintenance Battalion's Engineering Fair.  This will take place on April 28, and permission slips have been sent home for you to sign.  Each class is looking for 4 parents to accompany us on the trip.  If you're interested, please make a note on your child's permission slip or send an email to your child's homeroom teacher.

Have a wonderful evening, and don't hesitate to contact us with any questions!

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