Monday, November 2, 2015

Daily update 11/2

Hi Parents!

Tonight's math homework is a worksheet that students were given in class.  If they need help, please have them reference the practice problems they did in class.

In Language Arts, students should respond to the following question on their Reading Response Blog.  Responses should consist of at least 4 complete sentences with appropriate punctuation and should completely answer the given prompt.

"Describe one main character in your book (or a book you know well).  Tell how he/she is like you and different from you (compare and contrast)."

Also, if you haven't yet returned your conference confirmation form, please do so ASAP.  If you haven't yet received your conference time, please let your child's homeroom teacher know.  Second copies were sent home today.  Conferences are on Friday, November 6.

Have a wonderful evening.

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