Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Update 11/25/2014


I hope everyone has an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving break. I am looking forward to seeing some catapults when we return for those students who were interested in doing the November STEAM Challenge.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu    mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Monday, November 24, 2014

Update 11/24/2014

Happy Monday Parents,

Just a friendly reminder that we are not giving the students homework tonight or tomorrow. Thanks and have a good night.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu   mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Friday, November 21, 2014

Update 11/21/2014


As mentioned yesterday, I have assigned math homework this weekend. We are finishing topic 4 division and will be testing on Monday so the homework serves as a nice review for the assessment.. I wanted to get the test in before Thanksgiving break. They have to complete pg. 92-93 sets A-E from their text book. Since I assigned homework over the weekend, I allowed students to work on it at the end of the math lesson so your child might have finished it already.

Thank you and have a great weekend.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu    mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Update 11/20/2014


Sorry for not sending a blog out last night but the system was down. They have a spelling test tomorrow to study for. They also need to finish up their reading log to hand in and a math worksheet on division.

Students will be receiving homework this weekend. We are finishing up topic 4 and I would like to test them on it before the students go on Thanksgiving break. The test will be next Monday. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The students who practiced their facts and know them should not have a problem finishing it very quickly. Students who will not be here next week will test on it when we come back.

Thank you for understanding.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu    mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Update 11/18

Hi Parents and families,

For homework tonight, please keep on studying those spelling words--they're a bit tricky this week!  If you want to use an online tool to help, go to www.spellingcity.com and search for "Coyote School News."  This is the title of our list.  Students can play free games and take practice tests.

Students also have their nightly reading assignment and a math homework sheet.  Don't forget--if you're stuck on homework, your child can always log into his/her www.kz.com account and watch today's video lesson!

Lastly, please consider supporting the HES PTO by stopping by Wendy's tonight for dinner between 5pm and 8pm.  Just mention that you're there to support our school, and a portion of the proceeds will go to benefit our students.

Have a wonderful evening!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Update 11/17/2014

Happy Monday Parents,

The students' spelling words are the following: videos, teeth, potatoes, themselves, lives, leaves, cliffs, roofs, halves, moose, radios, sheep, cuffs, beliefs, patios, banjos, tornadoes, tomatoes, hoofs, loaves  CHALLENGE: portfolios, embargoes, handkerchiefs, calves, lassoes

They have their daily reading log for homework along with a division sheet.

Have a great week.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu    mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Students have to complete the math sheet, 4-1, on the introduction to division. They were given strategies to help them solve the problems. Students should still be reading tonight even though they don't have a reading log for this short week. Thank you and have a great night.



Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Daily Update 11/12

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a great long weekend :-)

Because this is only a 3 day week, we will not have spelling words or reading logs.  Please continue to encourage your child to read each night!

Students are beginning Topic 4 in math, which includes basic division facts.  Please help your child keep working to develop mastery of these facts.

Math homework tonight:  Topic 4:  Multiple Choice Test (this will serve as a pre-test for Topic 4).

**Don't forget about our awards ceremony on Thursday at 2:30.  Students who earned all As and all As and Bs will be recognized.**

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Update 11/5/2014


The students should be finishing up their math assignment if they have not already finished it last night. The assignment is to complete all the problems on pg. 72-73 as a review for the test on topic 3 tomorrow. They also have the spelling test tomorrow, as well. If you need the words, they are posted on Monday's blog. They need to complete their reading log, as usual.

Reminder that parent teacher conferences are this Friday. If you forgot your time, please contact us to give you your time.

Thank you and have a good night.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu     mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Update 11/4/2014

Students have their reading log to complete. For math, students need to complete all the problems on pg. 72-73 in their math book which is review in preparation for their test on Thursday. They have 2 days to complete this homework assignment.
Thank you.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu    mindy.thompson@am.dodea,edu

Monday, November 3, 2014

Update 11/3/2014

Happy Monday Parents,

Students will be working on complete sentences for their grammar skill. Their spelling words involve adding -s and -es to the end of words to make it plural. Students have to be aware that some words that end with "y" will be changed to "i" and will add "es." Some words will just add "s" while others such as words that end with "ch" will end with "es."

For reading, students will be working on Native American themed novel studies with the literature circle format. The following are their spelling words for the week: monkeys, friends, plays, supplies, taxes, holidays, months, companies, costumes, sandwiches, hobbies, daisies, delays, scratches, counties, teammates, memories, bunches, batteries, donkeys  CHALLENGE: eyelashes, ambulances, trophies, secretaries, inventories

For math we will be testing on topic 3 this Thursday on multiplication. In science, we are doing a STEAM project this week. I am asking students if they have an extra cardboard juice or half gallon milk container to bring in by Wednesday.
They have a problem solving sheet to complete for homework tonight. They will get review, "reteach" out of the math book tomorrow in which they will have two days to complete. They also have their reading log to complete this week.

Reminder that parent teacher conferences are this Friday.

Have a great week.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu     mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu