Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Daily Update 5/31

Hi Parents,

Our focus in math for the remainder of the year will be problem solving.  Today's lesson required students to use their knowledge of area to decide how to divide a large sheet of paper into equal 25 squares with the least amount wasted. We saw some really great thinking!  Tonight's homework is a worksheet that reinforces the formulas for finding area and perimeter.

In Language Arts, we are in the home stretch of finishing our 5 paragraph reports.  All students should be in the publishing phase of the writing process.  Reports are due by Friday.  Please ask your child if he/she is on-schedule with this assignment.  Students have been encouraged to work at home, if necessary.

We have completed Science for the year and have switched over to Social Studies for the remainder of the year.  Our focus is regional economies and how they are affected by the available natural resources.  We will be working on this topic this week and next.

Finally, please don't forget the Eagle's Run on Friday.  Students may wear bathing suits under their clothes, and they MUST wear appropriate footwear--no flipflops or shoes with buckles.  Please also send in a complete change of dry clothes, and don't forget to pack your child a lunch unless you ordered one from the cafeteria.  The cafeteria WILL NOT be serving at all that day, so there will be no recourse if students do not have a lunch.  The picnic will be at 12:15.  Parents are welcome to join us for some or all of the festivities!

Have a great evening, and please let us know if you have any questions.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Update 5/26/2016


Due to having the students take the Math End of Year Assessment today, we did not give the students homework today.

If you did not hand in your Eagles Fun and Fitness Day Picnic form, please do so tomorrow.

Tomorrow Camp Lejeune District Schools will be sending home the Terra Nova results explaining how your child did on this assessment that we took back in March.

Thank you and have a great night.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu     mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Update 5/24/2016


The students have a review math sheet (front and back) on concepts we have covered this year in preparation for the End of Year Assessment on Thursday.

Have a great night.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu     mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Monday, May 23, 2016

Daily Update 5/23

Hi Parents!

This week is going to be all about EOY testing, so our normal routines are a bit disrupted.  Today, students began taking their Reading EOY test, and some of them have already input their answers into the online program for a score.  Students who haven't yet finished the testing will do so tomorrow.  Wednesday will include our final SRI test, and then, on Thursday and Friday, we will complete our Math EOY.

In light of all that, students will NOT have a blog entry this week, since there will not be time to work in class.  Math homework tonight, Tuesday night, and Wednesday night will include math review problems.  Please work through these with your child to help him/her earn the best possible score on Thursday's test.  For your convenience, here's an online link to the review problems document:

Math Review Problems

Also, students SHOULD have brought home a form allowing you to order lunch for your child and/or family on the day of our Eagle's Run Event.  Unfortunately, things got super hectic in Mrs. Thompson's class at the end of the day, and she completely forgot to pass them out (sorry!).  Hard copies of the form will go home tomorrow, but if you have a printer and would like to print one in the meantime, here's a link:  HES Eagle's Run Lunch Form

Thanks so much for your support!  Have a great evening!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Update 5/19/2016


Students have a math worksheet on today's lesson where they have to calculate money amounts mentally. On the other side of the sheet are review problems on concepts that we have covered this year. We are reviewing material today and next week in homework in preparation for End of Year Assessments.

The reader response entry on their student blog is due tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the last day for the book fair. It is Buy One Get One free!

Have a great night.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu    mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Update 5/17/2016


The students have a math worksheet converting centimeters to meters. They did this in class and it should not be difficult. For example, 25 centimeters is equal to .25 meters. They don't have to convert meters to centimeters since we didn't cover it in the lesson. However, they can try to complete it if they want to. All they have to do is move the decimal point over two places. For example, 2.3 meters would equal 230 centimeters.

They need to also work on their reader response this week which is due on Friday.

Reminder this week is the book fair. It is "Buy One Get One Free."


charles.utter@am.dodea.edu      mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Monday, May 16, 2016

Daily Update 5/16

Hi Parents!

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend!  In math we are finishing up our study of decimals.  For homework tonight, students have a worksheet that requires them to write decimal amounts in a variety of ways and to express those amounts in money form.  All students were encouraged to take their practice sheet from today's class activities home for help.  On Wednesday, students will take a pre-assessment for Unit 8, and on Thursday, we'll begin our final math unit of the year!

In Language Arts, students have several class activities in the works.  For reading, students are working on an independent book project to show off their reading skills.  There are a wide variety of projects to choose from...be sure and ask your student what he/she is working on.  In writing, we continue to work on our "Career" report.  Students should have completed their research note-taking and, this week, are using that information to fill out a graphic organizer to help them plan.  Next week, we'll be writing rough drafts, editing, and finally publishing.

In Science, students are still working on space Science.  Today, we discussed the moon phases, and later this week, students will learn about the tides and shadows.  After we finish this Science unit, we will work on Social Studies for the remainder of the year.

Please don't forget that our 4th grade music performance is tomorrow at 2:05.  Students have worked very hard and can't wait to show off their singing skills!  We hope to see you all there :-)

Finally, this week's Reader Response Blog is:

Pretend a character in your book has written a "Dear Blabby" letter asking for advice about a BIG problem.  Put yourself in your character's shoes.  What would the letter say?  Write from the point of view of your chosen character.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Update 5/10/2016


Students have a math sheet with a front and back to complete on a lesson covering tenths and hundredths. They completed a problem set today that looks very similar to the homework. Hopefully they brought the problem set home if they need assistance on the homework.

Reminder the students do not have school this Thursday or Friday due to teacher workdays.

Progress reports will be going home tomorrow.


charles.utter@am.dodea.edu    mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Monday, May 9, 2016

Daily Update 5/9

Hi Parents!

This week in math, we're continuing to work with modeling decimal fractional parts and accurately writing and reading those decimal fractions.  Tonight's homework requires students to shade a given fractional part of a model and to write a fraction as a "number bond," separating the fraction into tenths and hundredths.  For example, you would write 89/100 as 0.89 and 8/10 + 9/100.  If students have trouble in part 2 of the homework, you may want to have them draw a model similar to that in part 1.

In Language Arts, students will not have a Reader Response Blog this week, since we have a very short week.  We are finishing up our small group novel studies and are continuing to work on reading, analyzing, and finding evidence in text.  We are also in pre-writing stage of our final writing assignment for the year.  Students will choose a career that they are interested in, research that career, and write a five paragraph report about what they find.

In Science this week, students will begin studying the moon and moon phases.  That will continue next week, as well.

Progress reports will go home on Wednesday, so please be on the lookout for them.  Of course, students still have time to bring grades up before the final report card :-)

Also, don't forget the 4th grade music program next week.  It will be 5/17 at 2:05.  Parents are invited and encouraged to attend!

Have a wonderful evening!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Update 5/5/2016


Tonight's math homework has students demonstrating how fractions are equal to decimals. The worksheet has a back to complete, as well. If your child hasn't completed the reader response entry on their blog, it is due tomorrow. If you need to check what the prompt is, you can look on the reader response tab on this blog.

Have a great night.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu    mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Update 5/3/2016


Their math homework is a review on arranging decimals from smallest to largest. They also have a reader response to complete that is due this Friday. If you don't know what it is, it is posted on the reader response tab. This week's doesn't have them writing about a book they read.

Have a great night.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu     mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Monday, May 2, 2016

Daily Update 5/2

Hi Parents,

This week in math, we're learning to compare decimal values and place them accurately on a number line.  Tonight, students should complete a worksheet with two word problems that require them to compare given decimal values.  Students should also write a sentence or two explaining their thinking.  We've worked on this for a few days now, so hopefully your child is developing a pretty solid understanding of the concept.

In Language Arts, we are reviewing the writing process and the elements of a well-developed paragraph.  Later this week, students will begin working to plan, draft, and write a 5 paragraph report. The assignment will require students to research a career of their choice.  More info to come!  In preparation for this assignment, this week's blog prompt is:

**After working with Ms. Kaminski and participating in STEAM week, what type of career appeals to you? Why?  Write a paragraph with a good topic sentence, 3-5 supporting details, and a conclusion sentence.

Also in ELA, students will continue working on their editing skills--we've moved from sentences to paragraphs--and will begin a study of poetry analysis.  This is always a fun unit, and many students find that they really do love poetry!

We've wrapped up Social Studies for the moment, and students will be focusing on space science for the next few weeks.  Specifically, students will study the lunar phases, affects of the moon on the tides, and the reason for seasonal changes.

Finally, we've decided to devote the last 20 minutes of ELA each day to "Genius Hour,"which gives students a daily time to investigate topics that they are interested in.  While this will not be graded, students will be given the opportunity to present what they've learned during the last two weeks of school.  Our goal is for this to be a fun, engaging activity that makes students exciting about learning.  We can't wait to see what our students come up with!

As you can see, we have a lot going on for the last 6 weeks of school!  We appreciate your support and we welcome your questions.  Have a wonderful evening!