Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Update 1/31/2017


The students have to complete pg. 427 for math homework tonight. We worked on adding and subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators. The hardest part was converting fractions that are greater than 1 (improper fractions) to mixed numbers to add to the whole numbers that are already in the problem. We did some of this last night. For example, when adding 5 and 3/4 + 2 and 3/4 the whole numbers become 7. The fraction equals 6/4 which will need to be changed back to a mixed fraction. The result is 1 and 2/4 which can now be added to the 7 we already have which is 8 and 2/4.

Reminder, there are still some students who have not handed in the permission slip for the field trip.

Have a good night.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu     mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Monday, January 30, 2017

Daily Update 1/30

Hi Parents!

This is a short week, but we're still packing in lots of learning!  Today in math, we worked on renaming mixed numbers as improper fractions, and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.  Students should complete page 421 in their textbooks for homework.  Tomorrow, we will learn to add and subtract mixed numbers.

In writing, we're still working on our fictional narratives.  Most students have reached the editing and publishing stage, and we look forward to having students present their work to their peers.  Additionally, students have been learning about figurative language, specifically similies and metphors, and have now moved on to hyperbole and personification.  Students should be able to both identify these in their reading and use them in their writing.

In  Social Studies, students are learning all about the Revolutionary War and why it is so important in our country.  We've read and watched videos, and students are conducting some independent research on an event or topic of particular interest to them.

Please don't forget that study trip permission slips are due by tomorrow.  We must confirm our numbers and order lunches at least two weeks in advance, so if you haven't gotten those forms in, please do so.

Thanks so much for your support.  Have a great evening!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Daily Update 1/26

Hi Parents!

Tonight's homework is to complete the review test we started in class.  Students should have all the odd numbered problems finished and corrected--we went over them in class, and your child had the opportunity to ask questions, if necessary.

Please go over any missed questions with your student and help them complete the odd numbered problems on the review.  Students will have a test on this material tomorrow.

Also, please don't forget that we have a study trip to the Onslow Museum on February 14th coming up.  All our chaperone slots are filled for now, but if your child hasn't yet returned his/her permission slip, please do that as soon as possible.

Finally, you should have all received a letter about the NAEP testing coming up on February 7.  This is a test that is used to provide data about how 4th graders around the country are achieving academically; this will not affect your child's grade, and you will not receive personalized feedback.  If you have questions, please feel free to contact your child's teacher or the office.

Have a wonderful evening!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Update 1/25/2017


I want to apologize for not having updated the last two or three posts. We did post them but I accidentally posted them on the student blog instead of the parent blog. I have not given up on it. We want to make sure you are kept up-to-date on homework and upcoming events on a regular basis.

Today's homework is a worksheet on multi-step measurement problems like yesterday's homework.

Tomorrow is picture day! Your child must wear their school uniform. If they want to buy the class picture, have your child bring in $10.

Please check out yesterday's post since some important papers went home yesterday.

Thank you.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu         mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Update 1/24/2017


The students have a few problems to complete on multi-step measurement word problems. Some students have one problem to do while others have two or three to complete. They should read the problem, draw it out using bar models, and then solve the problem making sure they convert units, if needed. For example, if they had over 60 minutes, they should convert that to hours.

This week we are reading a nonfiction story about the pink dolphin from the Amazon. They will practice compare and contrast along with citing text based evidence from the passage. The students are still working on their fictional narrative.

In math, tomorrow we will do more multi-step measurement word problems, review on Thursday, and test this Friday.

In social studies we are working on historical events for all the regions of the United States.

Reminders on the following that went home with your child today:

- Our fourth graders will be participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) on Feb. 7th, 2017.

- Field trip form to the Onslow County Museum on Feb. 14, 2017.

- Classroom group pictures to be taken this Thursday. (Students must wear their school uniform.)


Please let us know.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu    or      mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Update 1/10/2017


The students learned about metric units of mass and liquid volume today. It should be an easy assignment today as long as they remember 1,000 grams = 1 kilogram and 1,000 milliliters = 1 liter. They have to complete page 683 and 684 (review) in their math book for homework. They don't have to do # 3 on page 684 since you might not have a protractor at home to complete it. Thanks and have a good night.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu         mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Monday, January 9, 2017

Daily Update 1/9

Hi Parents!

Welcome back to another week of 4th grade! We hope you stayed warm and dry this past weekend!

This week in our class, students are continuing to read Our Brother Martin and practice their skills in finding main idea and details and themes in a passage.  Students are also continuing to work on planning their fictional narratives and will be beginning to write their rough drafts later in the week.  Finally, we are also working on writing similes and metaphors, and students will be reponsible for including figurative language in their finished narratives.

In math, we are working on identifying and comparing units of volume and mass.  Tonight's homework is page 663.  Please encourage your child to look back into the lesson if they need help with the conversions.

Finally, in science, students are still working on their Animal Lapbook project.  We hope to have this finished up by Friday, and will then have a week of testing before beginning a new Social Studies unit.

Have a wonderful evening, and please feel free to contact us with any questions!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Update 1/5/2016


The students have to complete pg.651 in their math book. It is on customary units of lenth. They have to convert feet to inches and yards to feet. Please remind your child to look at the pages before if they forgot how many inches are in a foot or how many feet are in a yard. Thank you.

charles.utter@am.dodea.edu     mindy.thompson@am.dodea.edu

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Daily Update 1/3

Hi Parents,

Today we started a new math chapter focusing on measurement.  Homework tonight is page 645-646. Please encourage your child to look back at pages 643-644 for help.

In writing this week, we will be beginning work on a fictional narrative.  Students will progress through the writing process to plan, write, edit, revise, and publish a creative writing piece.  Students will also be studying figurative language to include in their writing piece.

In Reading, we are beginning to read My Brother Martin, a biography of MLK Jr.  Students will be reading the story with a focus on finding the main idea and supporting details in a reading passage.

Finally, in Science, students are beginning a lapbook project.  Students have already chosen and researched an animal and will be creating a reference book showcasing what they've learned.  We look forward to seeing the finished products!

Happy New Year!  Please let us know if you have any questions.