Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Update 8/31/2016


We did not give the students math homework today. Due to early dismissal on Wednesdays, we don't get a chance to teach a regular math lesson so sometimes there will be homework on Wednesdays and sometimes there will not be math homework.

Thank you so much to the parents who helped out making salt dough for our elevation maps that students created today.

Reminder that if your child wants extra math practice, they can go to the student blog at There are videos, practice, and games on different concepts that we have taught last year.

Have a great night.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Update 8/30/2016


Tonight's math homework has students completing a review math worksheet on standard form, expanded form, and written form. Most of the time, their homework will be out of their math book. However, today we did not do the next lesson since we were reviewing place value. Your child should continue to read every night, as well.

PTO forms went home recently so if you would like to join or buy a popcorn pass, please get the completed forms and monies in.

Have a great night.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Daily Update 8/29

Hi Parents and Families!

Tonight's homework is page 15 in the math textbook.  A number of students struggled with the lesson today, so please feel free to give you child some support, if necessary.  Encourage your child to look back into section 1.2 for additional help.

In reading, students are working on answering text-dependent questions by locating and citing evidence from the text.  We are also beginning a writing unit focusing on writing a personal narrative.  Students also received their monthly vocabulary words today.  They will work with these words all month and will have a quiz in about 4 weeks.  The words are:


In Social Studies, students will be reading about the 5 regions of the U.S. and taking notes.  We'll also be learning about major geological features of the U.S.  by creating a 3D elevation map using salt dough.  After this week (week 2 of Social Studies), students will begin working on their first science unit.

Finally math, we are learning to read and write whole numbers, compare and order numbers, round numbers, and rename numbers during Chapter 1.  All of these share a focus on place value.  Since some students have struggled with this, here's a resource you may want to use with your child:

Kahn Academy Place Value

Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can be of any additional help.  Thanks so much for your support!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Update 8-25-2016


We have been testing students with the BOY (Beginning of Year) math assessment to see where their 4th grade math skills fall. They have been working on a "My Life and Numbers" assignment where students were asked to pick numbers that were significant to them and draw pictures with them. Some students have not finished it yet. If this is your child, he or she will take it home for homework today to be completed. We are starting chapter 1 on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction Up to a Million, tomorrow. Expect to see regular math homework next week Monday through Thursday. We don't usually give homework on Fridays. We expect students to read regularly for at least 20 minutes each night, as well.

If you have not done so already, please click on the tabs to check out this year's classroom schedule, lunch schedule, etc. Thank you and have a great night.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Welcome Parents to our 4th grade blog!

As you can see, we will be posting homework on here each night it is assigned. (We are not giving homework tonight). We also post upcoming events, curriculum concepts we will be covering each week, and other reminders. You can also click on the tabs to check out the class schedule, specials schedule, lunch schedule, and others. If you have questions, please let us know.

For math this week, we are taking a beginning of year assessment, and will be starting the first chapter of our curriculum on place value, rounding, ordinal numbers, and adding and subtracting numbers. In language arts, we are going over norms and routines for our reading stations along with an introductory writing assignment about themelves. We will rotate science and social studies for two weeks at a time. We are starting with introducing the regions, longitude and latitude, and mapping the regions of the United States.

Thank you.