Monday, February 29, 2016

Daily Update 2/29

Hi Parents!

Tonight's math homework is a worksheet that asks students to draw angles with specific measurements.  Students were also given a paper protractor to use, just in case you don't have one at home.  Students were also given their new blog assignment:

**Remember the new BFF you chose last week?  Imagine that you brought him/her to school fo ra day.  What do you think would happen?  Write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) or a short story to answer this question.

This week in 4th grade, we've finished up with our Civil War research, and we're beginning our Electricity Unit in Science.  Students will return to their Civil War project in a few weeks, but in the meantime, they will be learning about series and parallel circuits, insulators and conductors, and electromagnets.

In Language Arts, we're finishing up our study of the story "So You Want to be President," and students will take an online assessment on Thursday.  Students should be focusing on the skill of identifying the main idea and supporting details.  We are continuing to work with using prefixes, suffixes, and root words to decode meaning, and to practice our editing skills.

Finally, in math this week, we are learning to use protractors to measure and draw angles and will be working with angles within a circle.

Other announcements:

Our Terra Nova standardized testing will be next week.  Students were given an informational letter to bring home today.  We will be having our practice TN testing on Wednesday morning, and your child will be able to bring home his/her practice test.  Ms. Kaminski, our counselor, has discussed test-taking tips and stress management with our 4th graders, but please consider discussing these topics at home, too.

This week is Read Across America Week.  Students are invited to dress as their favorite book character on Thursday.  This is NOT a Halloween costume; all costumes should relate to a book character.

Thanks so much for your support, and please let us know if you have any questions.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Update 2/25/2016


The students have a math worksheet on quadrilaterals which is what we covered in math today. They have to decide how many right angles, pairs of parallel sides, and pairs of congruent (same size, same shape) sides each figure has. They don't have to measure the sides to the nearest millimeter like it says. I think they can eye it to see if the sides are congruent. Then they have to circle the words that describe what kind of figure it is.

Their reader response (on the student blog) is due tomorrow. If you forgot what it was, look at Monday's post or the reader response tab on this blog.

Have a good night.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Daily update 2/23

Hi Parents!

As I'm sure you know, tomorrow is a training day for the teachers, so students have the day off.  We didn't assign any math homework for tonight, but I would encourage students to work on their Civil War research if they have time.  All the information can be found in your child's google drive.  Completed research will be checked on Thursday, so students need to make sure they've covered the mandatory topics.

Also, we got a new set of vocabulary words this week--our monthly schedule is "off" since we've had so many short weeks.  The new words are:  deodorize, different, employee, international, invasion, prehistoric, and signature.  Students will need to be able to spell these words, as well as break them apart into prefixes, root words, and suffixes.  We'll be working with these words in class, and there will be a quiz in about 4 weeks.

We hope you enjoy your day off, and we look forward to seeing the students on Thursday.  Have a great evening!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Update 2/22/16


The students have math homework tonight that involves a worksheet that reviews geometry concepts that we have covered so far on lines, line segments, rays and angles. There are two sides to the worksheet.

The new reader response to be completed on the student blog is: If you could choose one character as your BFF, who would it be? Explain your answer. Use at least 5 complete sentences.

In reading this week, we are reviewing main idea and supporting details. We are reading the story, So You Want to Be President? In grammar, we are still editing paragraphs. We are continuing the Civil War project in social studies and in math we are continuing unit 6 on geometry.

A reminder that students have off this Wednesday due to teacher training in CCRMS.

Have a great week.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Update 2/18/2016


The math homework tonight is for students to write in their notebooks next to each geometry vocabulary word 2 examples for each one. For example, for a right angle, a piece of paper and a tv demonstrate right angles. If they didn't bring their notebook home, the following is a list of the vocabulary words we covered in class and they can write them down on separate paper and write examples next to each one.

- point
- line
- line segment
- ray
- parallel lines/line segments
- perpendicular lines/line segments
- acute angle
- right angle
- obtuse angle

Due to the short week, we did not have a new reader response on the student blog this week. However, please check with your child to see that they completed last week's reader response. If they don't know what it was, they can click on the reader response tab on this blog and look it over. Thanks.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Update 2/11/2016


The students have to complete a review worksheet on subtracting mixed fractions with regrouping. I will go over the first one on the sheet in case there is some confusion. The first problem is 8 and 3/8 - 3 and 7/8. They will need to convert the whole number 8 to 7 and 8/8. This is equal to the whole number 8 but is broken apart in order to subtract the fractions. They can't forget about the 3/8 so they add that to the 7 and 8/8 to get 7 and 11/8. Now they can simply subtract the whole numbers 7 - 3 = 4 and subtract the numerators 11 - 7 to get 4. They keep the denominator the same and their answer is 4 and 4/8 or 4 and 1/2. The following video explains the process, as well.

Reminder that the reader response on the student blog is due tomorrow.

We will be exchanging Valentine cards and candy for those who choose to participate.

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Update 2/9/2016


Students have math homework tonight on recording data on fractions on a line plot. We completed a similar one in class today so they should have brought it home. If not, they should be able to show you that it needs to be a number line from 0 to 3 broken into fourths and halves based on the mixed fractions. For example, the number line from 0 to 1 would have marks labeled, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 1. They plot the X's where the fractions belong and label it with the name. Then answer the second question.

Reminder, Valentine card exchange is this Friday for students who choose to participate.

Thank you and have a good night.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Daily Update 2/8

Hi Parents,

We've had a bit of a crazy day--late start, no internet access--but we made it through :-)  This week in math, we're working on placing fractions and mixed numbers on a number line.  Unfortunately, because we were unable to download our materials from the district website, the students did not receive homework.

In reading, the new blog prompt is:

All stories have a problem (conflict).  Explain the conflict in your story.  Tell or predict the resolution.  Make sure to use at least 5 complete sentences and to edit your entry.

Additionally, in writing, persuasive paragraphs/letters are due this week.  Please ask your child if he/she has completed this assignment.  If you'd like, you should be able to see the published product on your child's google drive.

In grammar, students will be working on editing skills within the context of short paragraphs.  If you'd like for your child to have more practice on this, please ask him/her to show you the "Free time Reading Activities" file in his/her google drive.  There are a few links to editing activities there.

Finally, in Social Studies, students are beginning a unit on the Civil War.  Students have been assigned a project that requires them to research a variety of aspects of the Civil War and design an interactive book to display their information.

Have a wonderful evening, and please let us know if you have any questions.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Update 2/4/2016

 Tonight's homework is a worksheet on adding and subtracting fractions like last night. They are asked to change improper fractions to a mixed fraction when needed. For example, lets say the answer to a problem is 3 and 10/8. They can do this one of two ways.
The 10/8 is an improper fraction so they can divide 8 into 10 which is 1 and 2 left over. The remainder is the numerator that goes over the denominator of 8 giving you 1 and 2/8. Add that to the 3 you already have and you get 4 and 2/8.
The other way is to multiply the denominator of 8 times the whole number 3 to get 24. Then add the numerator of 10 to it to get 34/8. Divide this and you get 4 with 2 left over that goes over your denominator so you are still left with 4 and 2/8.

Below is a link for the homework if your child forgot it.

The Reader Response is due tomorrow.

Reminder tomorrow is Family Night at the book fair. They are welcome to wear a 70's outfit. If they don't, then they are expected to wear their school uniform.

Have a great night.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Update 2/2/2016


Students have a worksheet to complete on adding and subtracting mixed fractions with like denominators. They have been working on this lately. We have also been working on changing a mixed fraction to an improper fraction and an improper fraction to a mixed fraction.

Reminder the Book Fair is this week and Family Night is Friday night from 5 - 7 with the disco dressing contest.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Daily Update 2/1

Hi Parents!

Tonight's math homework should be written in your child's math notebook.  In case he/she lost it or didn't write it down, here's a picture of the assigned problems:

Students were also assigned a new Reader Response Blog prompt today.  It is:

Imagine a new title for your book.  What would that new title be?  Explain your choice.  You should have at least 5 complete sentences.  Spelling, grammar, and punctuation do count!

This week, we are finishing up studying verb tenses, and students have been assigned a graded activity to be completed during their reading stations.  If you think your child needs extra practice, please visit the student blog for some links.  We're also beginning to work on applying the grammar lessons of the first semester to paragraph and sentence editing.  Please be on the lookout--you should see some practice sheets (completed in class) coming home.

In Math, we continue to work on adding fractions with like denominators, decompose fractions, and changing mixed fractions to improper fractions. We will continue this unit this week and the next. We will begin a new unit on geometry beginning the week of the 15th.

In Reading, our small groups are continuing to work on making and evaluating generalizations using evidence from the text.  In whole group, we are practicing using text features to aid in comprehension and answering text-dependent questions.

In Science, students are finishing up with their "Create an Animal" project.  Next week, we'll switch to Social Studies and will be discussing the Civil War.

Have a wonderful evening, and please let us know if you have any questions.